Claim a business profile

How it works

Welcome to the 1001Firms profile claiming process. If you are an authorized representative of a business, you can take control of your company’s profile, allowing you to update information, interact with clients, and manage your online presence in compliance with 1001Firms’ policies.

What does claiming a profile mean?

Claiming a profile means that you, as an authorized employee or representative of the company, will verify your connection to the business listed on 1001Firms. Once the claim is approved, you will have full management rights over the profile, allowing you to:

  • Update and manage your company’s contact details, services, and other information.
  • Respond to inquiries and engage directly with potential partners or clients.
  • Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the business profile's information.

Eligibility to claim

Only individuals who are authorized employees or representatives of the business are permitted to claim a profile. This ensures that the business profile is managed by someone with legitimate authority to represent the company in compliance with 1001Firms’ policies.

How do I claim a profile?

If you’re not logged in, please log in or create an account with a verified email address that matches your company’s domain (e.g., If you are already logged in, search for your business profile and click the "Claim this Profile" button next to your company’s name.

Once you submit a claim, our team will manually review your request. If your email domain matches the domain of the business profile, your claim will be approved. If your email does not match, you may be asked to provide additional documentation to verify your authority to manage the profile.

After your claim is approved, you will gain full control over your company’s profile, enabling you to make updates, respond to messages, and manage your company’s online presence on 1001Firms.